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9:17 p.m.--2003-05-08

Why the hell do I care?

I think it�s not going to be a good night after all. I am really too tired to go into specific�s right now, but I think this is the beginning of the end with Stan. I�m done. He has spent more time with Stephanie this week than he has with me. He�s leaving Monday. He was supposed to spend some time with me today. This would have been the second to last time I would have seen him before he goes away for three and a half months. Not that that means a whole hell of a lot to him because he took off with little miss Stephanie for the day. How nice! I told him I would be back later in the afternoon to spend some time with him. I go over and there�s a note on the door to Chad�s stepmother saying that they�ve all gone to Stephanie�s house and they would drop Chad off on the way back home. Signed Melanie, Stephanie, Chad and Stan and it was a girl�s handwriting. What a happy fucking family they must make. So I told Don what to tell him if he called and I knew that he would. So I talked to Donna tonight and she said that she told him when he called that I had gone down to see him and he wasn�t there. She said: �I don�t know where the hell you were.� And he said was she upset and Don said no I didn�t look upset to her. He asked something about what I was doing tonight and Don said �I don�t know she said something about going to the bar with Lyn.� Which is exactly what I wanted her to tell him. Good. Let him sweat. When Donna talked to him it was like after eight and she said Stephanie was still there. Let him have ole Rat Girl. I�m trying to convince Lyn to go to the bar with me tomorrow night. I hope Bobby is still being a dick cause then she�ll want to go.

I�m done. He made his choice when he chose Rat-face over me today. They make a perfect fucking couple. I hope they are so damn happy. I shudder to think of what their children will look like. Yikes! I�m going to get so trashed Saturday night. The only way that Stan can go now is if Stephanie can come. Apparently he needs her there to hold his fucking hand. Let them come. I�m going to be so shitfaced I can�t wait to tell them what I think. I�m so angry! If she wants him this bad than she can have him. But let it be known that I gave him to her--she did not steal him from me. I�m letting her have him. Maybe she�ll give him that piece of ass that he wants so bad before he goes. Since he can�t be bothered on Saturday which was when I planned seeing how I�m on the rag right now that I guess he�s going to have to get it from her. I hope she�s good in bed, cause he ain�t getting shit from me.

I need to go to a bar and have lots of cute men and even not-so-cute men hit on me. I�ll maneuver.

I�m so through with this bullshit. He can have her and she can have him. I�ll come to their wedding with a muscle-bound man on each arm and wish them well.

Held Back--Let Go

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days until Stan goes to basic

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