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8:22 p.m.--2003-05-07

His mother is driving me CRAZY!

I am so damn sick of Rose. All her little plans have failed so now she has decided to resort to blatantly lying about me. She says that she heard Donna and I badmouthing Stan the other day out on his steps. We weren�t even talking at all. The only thing I remember saying to her was asking where Cora was cause she was supposed to meet us there. Then she says that when I talked to her on the phone the yesterday she said that I took an attitude with her after she told me that Stan had gone with Stephanie. I was as nice as pie to her. I always am. I�m so sick of the shit. I think in addition to doing things to him she�s trying to make me crazy with the whole Stephanie thing. Every time I drop Stan off lately she�s already at his house kissing Rose�s ass. I think Rose is inviting her over there and stuff just to get at me. What she doesn�t realize is that as stubborn as I am it only makes me want to tighten my grip on her son. I mean, I still love him and want him anyway, but even if I didn�t, I�d still hang onto him just to spite her now.

I�m just that kind of bitch. Now she�s trying to set him up with her boyfriend�s daughter. How sweet. The fact that she�s trying to set him up with people knowing full well that he�s going out with me is disrespect in it�s truest form. How the hell would she like it if I tried to set her little man Eddie up with some other chick? She needs to think about shit like that. She needs to pay me the same respect that she wants to be given cause I�m done trying to be nice. You can�t be nice to a person like that.

I can�t wait to hear the lies that she�s going to come up with about me when Stan gets back from Basic. I�m sure I�ll be the biggest whore in the whole entire world. We know she�s not above lying about me anymore. I�m just going to tell Stan that what ever she tells him, before he blows up and gets upset, to come talk to me first. Cause chances are it�s all going to be bullshit.

Yes, I�m going to go out on the weekends while he�s gone. I�m going to go to the pool hall and I might even go to a bar or two. Why should that change just cause he�s away. I go out on Friday nights now with out him. What�s the difference? It�s not like I�m trailing for men her anything, I just go out to have fun with my friends. Big deal! But I�m sure she�ll tell him that I went out every night and I was seeing twelve different guys and all kinds of other untrue garbage.

I�m so damn frustrated with that woman. I just want to have it out face to face with her because I will not be shit on. And I am not some meek little �yes ma�am� girl like Stephanie that�s going to sit there and take it. I don�t think that she should get away with lying about me or anyone for that matter.

On a lighter note, we�ve all decided to have a little party of our own on the night of Stan�s going away party. Me and Stan and Chuck, Cora, and Donna are all gonna chip in and get a keg and get totally smashed Friday night. Then we�re going to spend the night there. He better not back down on me cause he�s supposed to blow off his mother Saturday and spend the rest of the time before he leaves with me. He better stand his ground. I�ve already told him that I�m going to be upset if he doesn�t.

I need this drunk. I�ve wanted to get smashed for such a long time. I just hope Chuck can control himself. Hopefully he�ll be over next-door most of the time and I won�t have to deal with him. I hope it�s a good night!

Held Back--Let Go

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