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5:24 p.m.--2003-06-07

long story short

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that left me notes and guestbook entries.

I hate that this has happened to me but I realize now that I am not the only one.

It doesn't make it hurt anyless of course, but it makes me feel like I have a bunch of people helping me. I created an AIM screenname it's Aubriannnab so if you all want to message me you can.

I am so pissed off still. I can't believe it.

His mom called me as she normally does to let me know that he is having a problem at boot camp. She started reading me this letter that he wrote to someone else and started talking about how I found out he was cheating and I was upset.

Mind you, this never happened. WHy he was being a stupid psycho I don't know. But he told a bunch of people that I found out about his "cheating" and I was mad and he was upset.

The truth is, I never had a clue that he had cheated on me and when his mom called me on in I had no idea.

I thought for a bit that it was her mom lieing. Until Donna and i confronted one of the people in question that was there when the cheating went down.

She was scared out of her mind and told us that Stan was with her friend and they didn't have sex but they would have if he had a condom.

I'm sorry but that is still cheating to me!


I have written him a letter but according to his mom I am not allowed to send it. Because he is so delicate. GRRRRRRR Fuck him!

ug. I don't know what else to say.


Held Back--Let Go

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days until Stan goes to basic

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