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9:37 p.m.--2003-04-17

paranoid much?

There is just so much explaining to do and I just don�t feel like writing a whole lot tonight. Let�s just say that jealousy is running wild inside me for the first time in my life.

Stan�s mother is trying to set him up with Stephanie. HELLO? Do I still exist or what? What�s worse is that I think Steph wants him too. I had Don snoop for me today and she found out that the girl that his mother has �lined up for him� when things don�t work out between him and me is Stephanie. I was never told this. I knew she had someone for him but I didn�t know it was she. He and Steph and Charity were all going to go to the movies tomorrow night and so I told him me and Don were going to the fair. I said that Don wanted to meet some carny guys. Now all of a sudden, they are not going to the movie, they are going to the fair.

Stan�s mother said something today about Stephanie coming over to visit her the other night at her mother�s house. Sounds awful cozy doesn�t it. I think they have some kind of master plan. All I can say is that if he�s going to let his mother rule his life than C-YA. He says he doesn�t want to lose me over his family. If he loses me he wants it to be his own doing. What he doesn�t realize is that even if it is his family sticking their noses in, it�s still HIS decision. I�m not going to let his family shove me away. If I go its cause I want to. So it�s his call. And it wouldn�t be his family�s decision now would it? He has a mind of his own.

Okay, here�s the real thing that pissed me off today. He asked me to take him to his mother�s work tonight cause he�s staying at his Gram�s tonight. No problem. He asked me first thing this morning and I said okay.

Later, when we were over to Don�s he was telling Donna how he keeps telling his mother that he�s never going to let me go because it�s what she wants.

Anyways, we got to his house soon before we were going to leave to take him there and his mother calls. She asked him who was giving him a ride and he told her that it was me. There is a dead silence on the other end. So he hurriedly adds that he had tried to get Steph to take him but he couldn�t get a hold of her of he would have.

What the fuck? For someone who isn�t going to let her interfere in our relationship, he sure is quick to kiss her ass about Stephanie.

And Steph never hung around before. I never met her until last week and I�ve been seeing him for like three months now. I think his mother has cooked up a little scheme to shove me out.

Now I don�t want to pick on Steph or anything cause she seems real nice and she hasn�t actually done anything to me--that I have proof of anyway--but his mother wants to talk about the way that I look. Has she taken a look at that girl? Come on now.

She says that I�m going to fuck around on him as soon as he goes into the service. It�s so reassuring to know she has such a high opinion of me. I�ve already told him that the only way he�s going to lose me is if he lies to me or if he cheats on me. Anything else is just a fight and can eventually be worked out. I also told him that his only hope in hell of keeping me if he cheated on me would be to tell me himself. If I found out elsewhere, he�d be out no matter what. That�s not to say that he still wouldn�t be out even if he told me, I�m just saying there might be a slight chance that I might take the honesty into consideration.

I�m so damn aggravated right now. Donna said Stan told her that Stephanie asked Stan out a year or two back. That means that she must still like him. I think Steph and Rose are plotting something. I am being super paranoid no?

I need some serious sleep dude. I suppose I�ll sign off.

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