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9:01 p.m.--2003-04-19


I am running on about three hours sleep so bear with me. I�m an emotional wreck, I�m snapping at everyone and I have to baby-sit Austin tonight. Super huh? I need the money.

I wanted Stan to come with me tonight but his mother said he couldn�t. He can go with Walt and Michelle tonight but certainly not with me. I figured out what she�s going to do. A couple of days ago Stan�s mother told him a bunch of shit about how I was talking about him behind his back and all this crap. She says that oh, she doesn�t want to cause any problems or anything. Yeah, right. Anyway, we worked it out and this is the first time he�s said anything about going anywhere with me, or about me period to her since that night and she has realized that her and Stephanie�s little plan failed--sounds like a damn spy novel doesn�t it? That was her trump card. It was the best she could do without looking like the bad guy and it didn�t work. Now she�s pissed and has no other alternative than to flat out restrict him and be a bitch. I�m just plain sick of the shit myself. She wants me to break up with him over it, but like Ozzy says: When you chose to criticize you chose your enemies. That song is so damn perfect for her. It fits brilliantly! She doesn�t have any reason to hate me like she does, but if she wants one, I�ll be more than happy to give her one.

Held Back--Let Go

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days until Stan goes to basic

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